Company Overview
Our mission is to unlock the opportunity of data with access to capital.
Exploring Opportunity
In 2001, when Daniel Nelson started Tamarack, the fast-growing equipment finance market was beginning to segment. Software providers were rapidly expanding both their product capabilities and their footprint in the market. But Nelson saw that some lessors were being left behind – either their size or market focus were no longer the focus of rapidly growing suppliers. He saw an opportunity to help these lessors acquire and sustain the same tools the big banks and captives were using to simplify their leasing operations, improve performance, and significantly increase their value to their customers.
A journey to disruption.
So, Nelson set out to fill the gap; he built a team of lease accounting software experts that helped equipment finance companies of all makes and models improve their competitive edge. Not surprisingly, Tamarack’s team of experts were quickly found to be as valuable to the big lender in-house teams as they were to the smaller lessors who looked to outsource. In just a few years, Tamarack became a leading technology partner in the equipment finance industry.
Innovation through integration
During this time Nelson also noticed that service providers specialized in origination (front-end) or portfolio management (back-end) systems, but rarely did they possess the depth to support the entire lease/loan lifecycle. Of course, that’s what companies of all sizes and types want: seamless, integrated software solutions designed to create brilliant customer experiences. So, in 2014, Tamarack acquired E2E Systems and its Saleforce.com origination applications – again filling the gap with both front- office and back-end solutions.
Helping the Equipment Finance Experts
Tamarack was already making a splash when AdEasel was brought in, but with recent company changes Tamarack was seeking an updated website, new marketing strategies, as well as a rebranding. The AdEasel creative and strategic teams put together and implemented a comprehensive marketing strategy making full use of HubSpot, social platforms, all-new Easel features, targeted advertising, interactive design, and tracking features.
Client Success
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Learn more about Tamarack and the solutions provided by AdEasel, and contact us to discuss options and recommendations for your business or organization.
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