Not many 500 year old inventions are still used daily.

The two maxims of printing, as they were when Guttenberg created the first printing press, still hold true. The more you print, the more you save and don't waste money printing something unless it is worth printing.

There are 3 main ways to print while adhering to these maxims.

First, you can print Just-in-Time, using PDF, Word/Office, Printable Web Pages, and related template based printing. We can setup anything you need in this manner, to allow for greater flexibility to change and personalize your messages. 

Second, you can print High-Quality, which involves sending things out for print & production. Chicago is full of great printing companies, each with their special capabilities and features. From offset to full color, on virtually any material, with an amazing array of added features like UV spots, textures and metal printing.

Third, you can create a combination of both, such as an impressive booklet and even more impressive business card, with an integrated flap for PDF based inserts that provide details on products, services and company information. 

And always keep in mind, not everything needs to be printed. That's what makes the web and email so valuable, convenient, and environmentally responsible.

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